
Symptom-based clusters of hospitalized patients with severe acute respiratory illness by SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil

COVID-19 has shown a broad clinical spectrum, ranging from asymptomatic to mild, moderate, and severe infections. Many symptoms have already been identified as typical of COVID-19, but few studies show how they can be useful in identifying clusters …

Uma metodologia para constituir redes de apoio aos universitários em risco de evasãodurante a pandemia da Covid-19

Os objetivos deste trabalho consistiram em desenvolver e aplicar uma metodologia a fim de identificar estudantesuniversitários com maior risco de evasão durante a pandemia de covid-19 e propor ações minimizando este risco. Aproposta apresentada …

Risk Factors for Hospitalization and Mortality due to COVID-19 in Espírito Santo State, Brazil

Brazil is, at the time of writing, the global epicenter of COVID-19, but information on risk factors for hospitalization and mortality in the country is still limited. Demographic and clinical data of COVID-19 patients until June 11th, 2020 were …